Mikroautobusai į oro uostus

to Airports:

Vilnius Airport, Kaunas Airport, Palanga Airport, Riga Airport and Seaport.
Keleivių vežimas į oro uostus

from Airports:

Vilnius Airport, Kaunas Airport, Palanga Airport, Riga Airport and Seaport.

Passenger transport and other transport services


of Parcels:

Luggage, small
cargo, parcels
and more.


for Rent:

Minibuses, buses,
cars, occasional cars,
VIP cars.

We transport to Airports

From Klaipeda, Kaunas, Mazeikiai, Gargzdai, Plunge, Telsiai, Akmene, etc.

Vežame į oro uostus
We transport from Airports

From Vilnius Airport, Kaunas Airport and Riga Airport to Klaipeda.

Vežame iš oro uostų
Transfers for all Flights

We adjust and choose the most convenient time for the trip to the airport.

Vežame į visus oro uostų reisus
Individual Transfers

If none of transfer times is suitable, we can arrange an individual trip.

Individualūs vežimai į oro uostus

Why travel with us?


In transport business since 2013. You are served by experienced drivers who know their job.

Reliable and comfortable minibuses will safely deliver you and your luggage.
Kelionės į oro uostus